After a massive response for on my first collection of Christmas Wallpapers of

1280 x 1024 at Christmas Wallpaper 1280 X 1024 Part-1 I decided to

share more wallpapers of same dimension. All the wallpapers are not

of 1280 x1024 dimension so I have mentioned the dimension of each

wallpaper above it. I am adding more and more wallpapers for this

Christmas for all of my readers. You can subscribe to my feed so

that you don't miss any of them, or you can add them to any of

bookmark sites like digg, stumble upon; link is provided at the

end of this post , or add this to your Technorati Favorite which

you will find at right side column to help others find these

wallpapers for their Christmas celebration.
(You can check my sponsors: most are free)

1270 x 1198

Cash4Card Rectangle Banner

1280 x 1024

Use for all your holiday shopping!

1280 x 1024

1360 x 1024

sent by santa

1280 x 1024

Christmas Chocolates from Hotel Chocolat UK

1280 x1024

1280 x1024

sent by santa
Use for all your holiday shopping!

1200 x 1109

If you find these wallpapers good then you can add it to some bookmark
sites to help others to find it and you can subscribe to my feed for any updates
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